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Don't PRETEND you are happy any longer!


The Mindset School is THE Christian Community to Renew Your Mind and Find Your Authentic Smile!


Yes! I am READY to get all the details of the program!

But is The Mindset School right for me?

The Mindset School 

IS for you if...

  • You feel stuck in life
  • You feel held back, hesitant, and limited
  • You have the head knowledge but you realize you are not doing the work
  • You are aware of internal negative self-talk but you're not sure how to get past it 
  • You want different results for your life and you want help going after them
  • You welcome faith-based principles, scripture, and Christian practices into your healing 
  • You are ready to live with purpose and achieve your goals

The Mindset School

is NOT for you if...

  • You just want to "level up" with surface level coaching
  • You want to stay stuck in a fixed mindset
  • You are comfortable alone in your struggles
  • You are unwilling to to uncover and take the next step together
  • You are offended by me speaking about and infusing my Christian faith during the program
  • You have never processed your trauma with a professional 

*The Mindset School is a woman-only space.

If this sounds like you, then you're in the right place! 


 The Mindset School

Live Community Calls

Online group coaching to walk through challenges together while forming friendships and no longer wasting years of life in isolation. A safe place to learn, grow, and share.

Expert Advice

Guest Q&As with experts in psychology, mindset, and scripture to give us tips, tools, and resources to rewire our thinking and take action to move forward with confidence.

Community Forum

Come here to ask questions or celebrate your victories as we overcome limiting mindsets together and tear down walls we have built prohibiting us from truly living authentically.

Yes! I Am READY to START on MY Path to Purpose!!!

In The Mindset School, You'll:

  • Get unstuck
  • Achieve your goals
  • Take action
  • Distinguish circumstances from thoughts
  • Be empowered to move forward, focused on the  future
  • Stop looking to the past
  • Build a positive identity and self-perception
  • Align your identity with the Word of God

Imagine if....


  • You finally stopped wasting years living stuck
  • You were encouraged in a safe and supportive space
  • You allowed yourself to finally stop suppressing your emotions
  • You overcame what you've hidden for so long
  • You had the freedom that ONLY comes through Christ
  • You no longer saw and felt only brokenness
  • You were now the girl that has overcome
  • You finally got unstuck and were moving forward


It's possible.


You CAN love life again.


I can help you get there with The Mindset School. 


Who is behind The Mindset School?

As a child, I used to love playing pretend.

But one day, that changed. 

I was taken advantage of and told that now I HAD to pretend...that the trauma and abuse never occurred.

From then on, every move and every decision came from self-protection. I pushed away authentic relationships and didn't trust anyone.

After decades of silently suffering...

I was finally fed up with the fake, phony smile.

So I put in the work. I unpacked and surrendered the basement of my heart to Christ. I learned to live with purpose.

Now, my life’s mission is to help other women find freedom and live their purpose.

You CAN have fun.

You CAN be playful.

And yes, you CAN love life again.

The Mindset School serves to help women renew their mind so they can finally stop wasting years of their lives and reclaim a life of purpose.

I did it.

And I know you can too.



As your coach I commit to...


  • Helping you reflect on what you are thinking about
  • Sharing the proven tools that helped me move to an authentic and joyful mindset
  • Showing you how you can have a solid identity walking in Christ
  • Being present for you as I have been every time I've prayed for you 
  • Telling you stories that make you laugh and may make you cry


If this is what you're looking for... You are in the right place!

Here's what people are saying... 

Peggy is absolutely amazing!

She is always encouraging and every time I have the privilege of hearing her I learn something new. She challenges me to adjust my mindset to be healthy & productive - and then she gives me the tools and tips to make sure I can succeed! 

~Shari Collins

It was such a blessing!

Thanks for taking the time to talk to me today. It was such a blessing! your genuineness and transparency are beautiful. I loved talking through analogies and looking at scripture. I'm really thankful for the call we had. 

~ Laura Stonitsch

An amazing example!


Peggy gets the "BIGGEST GROWTH" AWARD! She is such an amazing example of the power of God to redeem and empower! 


~Francine Ivey

Now's the time!

Which plan works best for you?

The Mindset School is for you if you feel stuck in life, held back, hesitant, and limited; if you have the head knowledge but realize you are not doing the work; if you are aware of internal negative self-talk but unsure how to get past it. If you want different results for your life and seek help to achieve them, welcome faith-based principles, scripture, and Christian practices into your healing, and are ready to authentically smile from the inside out, then The Mindset School is for you.




  • Weekly Live Community Calls
  • Expert Advice
  • Journal Prompts
  • Community Forum
  • Pay in full BONUS: 2 Months Free!



Two Months *FREE*

  • Weekly Live Community Calls
  • Expert Advice
  • Journal Prompts
  • Community Forum
  • Pay in full BONUS: 2 Months Free!

On Purpose Coaching

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Every Person Needs Something Different!

  • Free Coaching Call
  • Discover What is Holding You Back
  • Be Set Free To Live Your Best Life

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